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The property for sale is 16,285 square meters. According to the current development plan, a mixed use is planned on the property: retail, hotel, offices, parking (park + ride) and living space (after a revision of the development plan - will be decided soon).
Parking is allowed for 1,400 vehicles (about 500 parking spaces are mandatory), of which at least 150 are Park + Ride.
The buildings must be free-standing. The floor area may not exceed 75% of the land area. The maximum usable area is 600% of the plot size.
The height of the buildings must be between 5 and 30 meters. The green areas must be at least 10% of the property. Underground 20% of the land area can be used.
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Budapest: Commercial property in Budapest - great location
Property ID: 5004b
Quick Contact
Basic information
1107 Budapest
Commercial area
Plot size:
16.000 sq. m.
6.000.000 €
May be developed short-term:
Type of usage:
Building permission:
Recommended use:
Gastronomy, Trade, Hotel
Pharmacy, Train station, Bus, Shopping center, Shopping facilities, Elementary school, Kindergarten, Hospital, Metro/subway, Near the highway
Subject to commission:
Commission Rate:
4 % plus 27 % MwSt.
Further information
Further information
Property description:
The property for sale is 16,285 square meters. According to the current development plan, a mixed use is planned on the property: retail, hotel, offices, parking (park + ride) and living space (after a revision of the development plan - will be decided soon).
Parking is allowed for 1,400 vehicles (about 500 parking spaces are mandatory), of which at least 150 are Park + Ride.
The buildings must be free-standing. The floor area may not exceed 75% of the land area. The maximum usable area is 600% of the plot size.
The height of the buildings must be between 5 and 30 meters. The green areas must be at least 10% of the property. Underground 20% of the land area can be used.
A project has been prepared for this building plot with an investment volume of € 100 million. On request this is available. The design can be optimized according to the wishes of the investor.
The bus and tram stops are within walking distance. The motorways and the airport can be reached in a few minutes.
Since there are several excellent shopping, entertainment and sports facilities in the immediate area, the area is very popular with tenants.
Since there are several excellent shopping, entertainment and sports facilities in the immediate area, the area is very popular with tenants.
Commission Rate:
Upon conclusion of a purchase contract, a commission of 4% plus 27% VAT will be payable on the purchase price to be paid by the buyer.
The information provided by us is based on information provided by the seller. For the accuracy and completeness of the information no guarantee or liability can be assumed. Intermediate and mistakes reserved.
Additional information:
Should you require further information, please contact us.
Important NOTE:
The objects are discreetly marketed at the owner's request. All information is strictly confidential and may not be shared or otherwise made available to third parties who are not authorized persons without our prior written consent.
Other costs:
The purchaser bears the federal or state law fixed real estate transfer tax from the purchase price as well as the notary and land registry costs.
Should you require further information, please contact us.
Important NOTE:
The objects are discreetly marketed at the owner's request. All information is strictly confidential and may not be shared or otherwise made available to third parties who are not authorized persons without our prior written consent.
Other costs:
The purchaser bears the federal or state law fixed real estate transfer tax from the purchase price as well as the notary and land registry costs.
Your contact person
Mr. Klaus Liu
Walddörferstr. 182
22047 Hamburg
Mobile phone: +49 176 74581395
Mr. Klaus Liu
Walddörferstr. 182
22047 Hamburg
Mobile phone: +49 176 74581395
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